Thursday, April 30, 2009

My last vacation

In the last summer,specifically in January, I went to the pichidangui for two week with my friends,this place have a big big beach.pichidangui is before that los vilos . We were four adolescent with a big house our alone. the vacation were very funny, just laugh all the time. We went to the beach everyday, also we went to the dock , one day I catched a weird fish, its name is lenguado, is a fish very ugly and length. This moment was a great anecdote.
also we went to the disco, we knew a lot people interesting, we share a lot things, we played the guitar together, we danced and sang,also we went to the a lot parties with our new friends. In the beach we played also futbol soccer, we swam for hours, in pichidangui the waves are big, we went to the beach with bodyboards to surf.
The time that we were together and the adventures, revitalized our friendship.
i will never forget about these,but our friendship now is more stronger.
The weather in pichidangui is so pleasant, is not to hot and not to cold. Is a wonderful place for live, is small village and is so comfortable, maybe I will buy the house somewhere when I will finish my carrer and I will have a good work.
My last vacation were perfectly, I don't imagine nothing better. I'm waiting for repeat the next year.

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