Monday, July 6, 2009

The end!

Today I´m going to talk about my blogging experience. I had a blog before this but I never had a blog where I had write in english. This blog helped me to learn more English because with the time I learned more word and now is a little easier to express my ideas and feeling in english. The practice constantly write is necessary to make things more simples. in fact, is interesting to me watch as I evolved, in the beginning, I had dificult for write correctly. I hope so now everything is easier. Maybe, because is probably that I will write wrong something jojo. The best of this blog is express my ideas in other lenguage, is wierd think that now a person of the other continent can read my things in their own language and probably He or She can undertand me. It's amazing thinking that now with more practice and sacrifice I'm going talk with other people previously could not because were impossible, I was not knew the idiom enough as for express myself. With the practice everything is more easy.


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