Thursday, May 28, 2009

My Career :P

Hi! Today, I will talk about my career, I'm student of Universidad de chile and I'm studying public administration, This Career can be broadly describe as the development, implementation and study of the government policy. Public administration is also a academic field, multidisciplinary field which only emerged in 19th century, It draws on theories and concept from the economy, political science, sociology, etc. I chose this career because this University has a great social concience and the social problems are so very important, Public administration pursuit the effectives public service. I like too much that You can choose between two degree, Public management and political science in this career but I've had many different classes as mathematics and economy but I'm terrible with the numbers!!.
Public administracion is brought me many surprise, Because I knew a lot thing about this career and I'm very excited for continue in this career.


1 comment:

  1. Also you like the General Formation Courses??
    jaja :)
