Thursday, June 4, 2009

Your Future

Hi, today I will talk about my future, in the next 5 years I hope so finish my career and I would like work in the state for a time to make some money, then I'm going to travel around the world, I need to go out because I wanna know others reality of life, I would like travel Europe because the culture of these countries is very old and interesting, For example countries as France and Holand has a lot multicultural population. In fact, If I will travel I will know a lot things about this world. I would like live abroad, maybe for 2 two years, then I will make a post-grade and possibly I will make a Phd. in Political Science or maybe I will studying sociology. Then come back to chile, live in the coast and I hope so have a great work. I like simple life, I don't need great computers or a great car. I hope so have a balanced life, but with a lot adventures and also with a lot freedom.!

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