Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Big Ideas

Hi, today I will talk about video "Do schools kill creativity?" This video show a conference with Sir Ken Robinson from TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Conferences. He argue the school kill creativity in children, because for teachers is more important math or science that dance, art or music. Ken Robinson is a funny and inteligent, He makes an entertaining and interesting exhibition with a lot examples about the creativity in the children, He described behavior in children and He says "They(children) are very interesting, They don't have fear to fail" because curiosity is a part of their behavior. He makes a review about the education system and He says "We already placate to multiple intelligences" because the education system only promote one side of the brain. I agree with Ken Robinson's Ideas. We need change the education system around the world, We need to develop completely our brain,mind and body

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