Monday, July 6, 2009

The end!

Today I´m going to talk about my blogging experience. I had a blog before this but I never had a blog where I had write in english. This blog helped me to learn more English because with the time I learned more word and now is a little easier to express my ideas and feeling in english. The practice constantly write is necessary to make things more simples. in fact, is interesting to me watch as I evolved, in the beginning, I had dificult for write correctly. I hope so now everything is easier. Maybe, because is probably that I will write wrong something jojo. The best of this blog is express my ideas in other lenguage, is wierd think that now a person of the other continent can read my things in their own language and probably He or She can undertand me. It's amazing thinking that now with more practice and sacrifice I'm going talk with other people previously could not because were impossible, I was not knew the idiom enough as for express myself. With the practice everything is more easy.


Thursday, June 25, 2009

My ideal job

My ideal job is in the state, but I would like a job in the cultural area as ministry or house's culture. I studying public administration, it is a serious career, because We have responsability to make things for the public benefit, but I don't think everything is specifically serious. I like arts - music, paint, picture, etc- and I like to promote the culture, freedom of speech and expression. For this job, I need a lot of skills and qualities. First, I need capacity to make great changes. I need ability to make people work for community. On the other hand, I need to be very responsible with myself and the other people. I think I would be good at this job because I'm enthusiastic, I have great ideas and people enjoy my work. The difficulty to find my job is high because in this country the culture is always in second plane, because politician are more concerned with other things. The education system and cultural area are important for development intellectual and to express ideas.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

My favourite Subject

Hi, Today I'm going to talk about my favourite subject, its name is "Historia de las Instituciones Politicas y Administrativas de Chile". This subject is very intense, We have exam every week and approximately we read two hundred pages each week. We have sixteen exam in this subject, finally I am going to read as three thousand pages only for this subject. My teacher is Bernando E. Navarrete Yañez, He have PhD. in Public Administration and also He have a master in Political Science. He works in the "Insituto de Asuntos Publicos(INAP)" and in this institution He research in the area of the Public Policy and Political Science. I like his class, because its hard and complicated. I need pay attention all the time for learn. I learnet a lot things this semester. I learnt about theories and historical method for investigate and study history, also I learnt a lot things about "Institutions" and its influence in the development of the society. In fact, this subject is complicated but in the end is satisfactory. I'm going to take the last exam next friday. Now, I'm going to study, bye!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Big Ideas

Hi, today I will talk about video "Do schools kill creativity?" This video show a conference with Sir Ken Robinson from TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Conferences. He argue the school kill creativity in children, because for teachers is more important math or science that dance, art or music. Ken Robinson is a funny and inteligent, He makes an entertaining and interesting exhibition with a lot examples about the creativity in the children, He described behavior in children and He says "They(children) are very interesting, They don't have fear to fail" because curiosity is a part of their behavior. He makes a review about the education system and He says "We already placate to multiple intelligences" because the education system only promote one side of the brain. I agree with Ken Robinson's Ideas. We need change the education system around the world, We need to develop completely our brain,mind and body

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The best in your Area.

In the social area, specially in the deep change in social progress of Latin America, there's no doubt that "Pancho Villa" is a great character in the history, evidently in the mexican's history.
Pancho Villa, in the beginning, was woodcutter, farmer and trader, but He was appointed leader of the Mexican Revolution. He is a myth, his life is very dificult to explain, because until his born is a mystery. He was the veritable caudillo, is true, he replied the violence with more violence, but in that moment was the unique solution for the mexican people, because the military regime oppressed its citizens. I don't really admire him, but is very interesting, He couldn't had a great education, but he had conscience to fight against the oppression and to liberate population of the northern Mexico. I sure, He wasn't the best, but He is in the collective memory, Today his memory is honored by mexican and many people around the world.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Your Future

Hi, today I will talk about my future, in the next 5 years I hope so finish my career and I would like work in the state for a time to make some money, then I'm going to travel around the world, I need to go out because I wanna know others reality of life, I would like travel Europe because the culture of these countries is very old and interesting, For example countries as France and Holand has a lot multicultural population. In fact, If I will travel I will know a lot things about this world. I would like live abroad, maybe for 2 two years, then I will make a post-grade and possibly I will make a Phd. in Political Science or maybe I will studying sociology. Then come back to chile, live in the coast and I hope so have a great work. I like simple life, I don't need great computers or a great car. I hope so have a balanced life, but with a lot adventures and also with a lot freedom.!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

My Career :P

Hi! Today, I will talk about my career, I'm student of Universidad de chile and I'm studying public administration, This Career can be broadly describe as the development, implementation and study of the government policy. Public administration is also a academic field, multidisciplinary field which only emerged in 19th century, It draws on theories and concept from the economy, political science, sociology, etc. I chose this career because this University has a great social concience and the social problems are so very important, Public administration pursuit the effectives public service. I like too much that You can choose between two degree, Public management and political science in this career but I've had many different classes as mathematics and economy but I'm terrible with the numbers!!.
Public administracion is brought me many surprise, Because I knew a lot thing about this career and I'm very excited for continue in this career.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

My photo

My favorite photo was taken many years ago, when I was a kid, in the beach with my mother and the background of the photo is a beautiful sunset. I think that this picture was taken in the "quisco" approximately fifteen years ago, I sure photo was taken for my father. This photograph is very specially, because just at that moment my mother was pregnant of my sister, Photograph represents a unique moment family, I was very young for remember the exactly moment when the photo was taken, but photo remember me happy moments in my life especially with my family.
The relationship with my family always been good, this photo represents unit and affection between ourselves. I think that I don´t have anything more to say about the photo, only add that the photo remember me a lot emotions and great moments.

well, that's all for today.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Most Precious Possession

My Most Precious Possession is my acoustic guitar, this guitar is my first musical instrument, I have had it since 2005 when I was in high school. I learned to play guitar by myself, in the beginning, when I was beginner, I was many problems and I couldn't feel my fingers after to play, but with the time I could play a lot of song,I was playing for my syster first, then my parents and my friends, But I was embarrassment and nervous, because I could fail and to make a fool of myself, But with practice I felt a lot self-confidence and now I play very relaxed, even I was playing in the band with my friends and I got a lot experience in the instrument.
Nowadays, I don't have time enough to play the guitar, because the college take the most of my free time.
I like to play so much, is a way to express myself. In the parties is very funny take the guitar and play to my friends.
I wanna be better so I need to learn more. I want to train my fingers to play very fast.

Well, bye!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

My last vacation

In the last summer,specifically in January, I went to the pichidangui for two week with my friends,this place have a big big beach.pichidangui is before that los vilos . We were four adolescent with a big house our alone. the vacation were very funny, just laugh all the time. We went to the beach everyday, also we went to the dock , one day I catched a weird fish, its name is lenguado, is a fish very ugly and length. This moment was a great anecdote.
also we went to the disco, we knew a lot people interesting, we share a lot things, we played the guitar together, we danced and sang,also we went to the a lot parties with our new friends. In the beach we played also futbol soccer, we swam for hours, in pichidangui the waves are big, we went to the beach with bodyboards to surf.
The time that we were together and the adventures, revitalized our friendship.
i will never forget about these,but our friendship now is more stronger.
The weather in pichidangui is so pleasant, is not to hot and not to cold. Is a wonderful place for live, is small village and is so comfortable, maybe I will buy the house somewhere when I will finish my carrer and I will have a good work.
My last vacation were perfectly, I don't imagine nothing better. I'm waiting for repeat the next year.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Best Friend

Hi, i going to talk about my best friend!
I and my friend meeting in the school, exactly in 6º grade, the circunstances are very stupid, He was listening music,
I said: what are you listening?
He said: The Mars Volta.
I said: TMV is my favourite band
well, with the time I known many things about him. I like his jokes he is very crazy but sometimes is enough,also like his abilities with the keyboards and he is a great visual artist. I known also that the things he hates,He don't like the chinese food but I like the chinese food!, we always have problem when we go to the mall for lunch.
We had a lot aventure together, the most important was the last year. We and 2 friends more were to the beach for a week and was very funny, We laughed all time.
we started the university this year and We don't have time to see each other very often now, but we talk by phone every time.
I don't have envy about him, we are very united friends, we share a lot things.
The most important in the friendship is the confidence,we always speak about everything. we have many secrets together and something are very specially.
and if I could give him something, I will give him a new keyboard,because he like the music and the pianos.

and that all. ! thank you for read me!

Monday, April 13, 2009

About Me O.o!!

My name is nacho, eh no! my real name is Ignacio Ruiz !, I'm 19 years old. I live in pudahuel and i like so much the music and play guitar with my friends. I study Public Administration in "La escuelita de gobierno" of the university of chile.

My hobbies are the music, videogames, movies, read books, parties and a lot things that may seem boring but i like. xD

i think that this blog going to help me with my english ahahah!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

there there